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ChatGPT - New Travel Resources In A Nutshell


On day five after releasing their NLP tool, OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman tweeted that the company had reached one million customers.


After just two months on the market, ChatGPT had amassed 100 million users, making it the most rapidly expanding app in history, according to one study. And now, travel businesses are starting to get on board, ready to use AI to create chatbots, digital assistants, and self-service help desks.

The first tourism chains to link with ChatGPT were Expedia Group and Kayak, allowing clients to search for flights and hotels from inside the app. Less than two weeks later, Expedia launched a trip-planning feature on its smartphone app that makes use of ChatGPT to inspire and organise user-created schedules and itineraries. And, according to experts in the sector, this is just the beginning.

According to ChatGPT, this is how the most advanced travel businesses are making use of this ultimate AI innovation, as the app is considerably helping travel firms in various manners. Here’s just a handful of them.

Some tour operators use ChatGPT to field consumer queries for registrations and bookings. The chatbot makes it easy for customers to make reservations, check room availability, and make changes to existing bookings.

Support: ChatGPT is used by many different travel firms to give around-the-clock assistance to its clients. Customers may get answers to inquiries regarding their trips, get suggestions for places to visit, and report problems that they're having.

The app can tailor its suggestions to each individual user by collecting information about their past trips and preferred destinations. This may include making recommendations for places to go, foods to eat, activities to partake in, places to stay and so on.

ChatGPT may be used by the travel industry to advise clients about things like visa requirements, weather predictions, public transit systems and many other relevant information.

Marketing: the AI is very useful in terms of enhancing marketing strategies. The chatbot can interact with clients on social media channels, make recommendations for trips, provide discounts, and notify them about available industry events, just to name a few.

However, ChatGPT still requires outside support in order to collect data from a representative cross-section of the travel industry's major and small businesses utilising the service. Nevertheless, as analysts expect, artificial intelligence will be an integrated part of our lives in the near future, and the travel sector is expected to be no exception.


Source: phocuswire.com

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