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Heathrow Relaunches World of Opportunity for Budding Exporters

Airlines & Airports

Heathrow Airport has announced the relaunch of its World of Opportunity grant program, designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the UK in exporting their products and services globally. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to businesses seeking to expand their reach into international markets.

Cash Prizes for Export Success

Winners of the competition will receive cash prizes that can be used to fund trade missions and conduct market research, crucial steps for businesses looking to broaden their customer base overseas. The program underscores Heathrow's commitment to facilitating trade and supporting UK businesses as they navigate the challenges of international exporting.

Unmatched Global Connectivity

Recently confirmed by OAG as the world’s most connected airport, Heathrow offers UK-based businesses access to 95% of the world’s economy through direct flights. This positions the airport as a pivotal hub for companies aiming to tap into global markets.

Applications Open for Aspiring Exporters

The World of Opportunity competition invites SMEs from all regions of the UK to submit their pitches from September 23 to December 23. A panel of business and government experts will select the most promising candidates from each of the UK’s twelve nations and regions. Each winner will receive £2,000 to support their exporting ambitions.

Success Stories Inspire Future Participants

Previous winners of the program include artist Julia Brooker from Cardiff, who significantly increased her international sales following funding for a vital trip to Japan. Julia encourages other small businesses to embrace the exporting journey, stating, “If a one-woman business in Cardiff can do it – anyone could.”

Addressing Export Confidence

Despite recent challenges, research from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) indicates that many UK exporters feel less confident about seizing international opportunities. The World of Opportunity grants aim to enhance confidence among SMEs, enabling them to capitalize on Heathrow’s global connections.

Heathrow's Commitment to Economic Growth

Heathrow CEO Thomas Woldbye expressed the airport's commitment to fostering SME growth, emphasizing the vital role that exporters play in supporting the UK economy. “There is a world of opportunity out there, and we want to help even more people benefit,” he stated.

Government Support for Exporting SMEs

Small Business and Exports Minister Gareth Thomas highlighted the government's mission to empower small firms to expand their exporting capabilities. He noted that programs like World of Opportunity are essential tools for unlocking new opportunities and boosting economic growth.

FSB's Role in Export Support

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has partnered with Heathrow to facilitate this initiative. FSB Policy Chair Tina McKenzie remarked on the importance of understanding target markets for SMEs. She emphasized that with the right support, many more small businesses could initiate or increase their export activities.

As the World of Opportunity program kicks off, Heathrow aims to provide invaluable resources and guidance to SMEs, helping them embark on rewarding journeys in international trade.

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