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Norway voted as most sustainable destination in new survey


15% of the survey’s respondents believe that Norway is the best destination worldwide in terms of sustainability and responsablity, while 14% voted for Costa Rica. The top 10 list according to the WtM survey continues as follows: Maldives, New Zealand, Finland, Iceland, Bhutan, Slovenia, Kenya, and Galapagos Islands.

Juliette Losardo, World Travel Market London Exhibition Director, commented on the subject:

“More people are looking for sustainable travel options and countries such as Norway and Costa Rica are shining a light on what is possible and making it easier for people to travel in a sustainable way.

“The binding element to such countries is that sustainability is at the heart of the nation’s lifestyle and it follows that people living in these destinations, who want to retain their natural wealth, are encouraging visitors to be environmentally and socially responsible too.”

Norway scored first and this is not a surprise, as the country is famous for its long-term, intensive sustainability commitment: its energy mainly comes from hydropower, its transport network is environment-friendly, the travel policies here are different, its capital Oslo won the European Green Capital of 2019 award, and the list could go on.

Costa Rica, on the other hand, which came in second at a negligible distance, is the favourite destination of people in search of wellness, health, and unique nature experiences. The country accounts for 6% of the planet’s biodiversity and actively focuses on ecotourism, while creating and developing a wide network of national parks, wildlife and conservation programmes meant to protect both fauna and the environment, as well as promote sustainability.


source: breakingtravelnews.com

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