Customer Feedback Prompts Change by Singapore Airlines
Singapore Airlines' clientele has a high level of expectations.
When the airline decided to serve meals in a new way on long-haul flight, feedback from customers was almost immediate.
Singapore Airlines scrapped its plan to serve meals on long-haul planes in boxes made of paper, a move that appeared to be sustainable.
The paper boxes, the airline stated, retained heat and moisture much better than the plastic carriers they were using to serve hot meals. Singapore sought feedback from customers before making this change.
"Based on the feedback collected after these flights, a majority of our customers who tried the dishes in the new service ware enjoyed the taste and variety of the food served," the airline noted in a lengthy statement. "Some of them have shared their feedback regarding the service ware, as have members of the public. We have taken that on board. We have also received the operational feedback on the trial and noted that we may need to improve the design of the box. Taking all of these into account, we have decided not to proceed with this new service ware for now."
Singapore Airlines consistently ranks as one of the best-rated airlines worldwide. Singapore Airlines is known for providing impeccable service.
Paper boxes will continue to be used on short-haul flights, according to the airline.