Mobile payment solution for business travel
Travel Business

Mobile payment is a normal step in the development of useful technology as more people are inclined to use their mobile phone for as many daily activities as possible.
As reported by a recent AirPlus survey on International Travel Management, approximately 12% of the companies use this type of technology. The increase is significant considering that in 2011 only a quarter were engaged in the development and implementation of this service. An increase of 5% is expected next year as more companies are becoming aware of the advantages brought by this technology.
The use of a mobile phone for payment has left room for skepticism in the past as many merchants and travel managers feared that this would become an easy mean of abuse. Recent development, however, promises to counter these unwanted possibilities with certain filters designed to make this form of payment appealing to the corporate sector.
The latest figures tend to confirm this trend as people are getting used to and fond of this method of payment. The debate is still open on the subject as 62% of travel managers do not believe in the advantages of mobile payment. The remaining third think otherwise as they advocate for a simplified method of payment.
In terms of affinities, Indian and Australian corporate people opt for this method most, with the United States and UK being at the opposite pole with the least users of mobile payment.
The debate remains on the issue of an easier accounting experience, with travel managers being able to access a more clear method of tracking. If the trend will start to gain significant popularity, the corporate sector will also have an easier, more comfortable way of payment for their flights.
"While the common consensus among both experts and users is that mobile payment technology is here to stay, how soon it will be implemented depends on two competing elements. On the one hand, adoption depends on both the travel manager and traveler’s knowledge and acceptance of mobile payment technology while on the other side there are wholly exogenous factors such as which mobile payment systems will become the most widely used in the business travel market."
- Yael Klein, Managing Director of AirPlus UK
As reported by a recent AirPlus survey on International Travel Management, approximately 12% of the companies use this type of technology. The increase is significant considering that in 2011 only a quarter were engaged in the development and implementation of this service. An increase of 5% is expected next year as more companies are becoming aware of the advantages brought by this technology.
The use of a mobile phone for payment has left room for skepticism in the past as many merchants and travel managers feared that this would become an easy mean of abuse. Recent development, however, promises to counter these unwanted possibilities with certain filters designed to make this form of payment appealing to the corporate sector.
The latest figures tend to confirm this trend as people are getting used to and fond of this method of payment. The debate is still open on the subject as 62% of travel managers do not believe in the advantages of mobile payment. The remaining third think otherwise as they advocate for a simplified method of payment.
In terms of affinities, Indian and Australian corporate people opt for this method most, with the United States and UK being at the opposite pole with the least users of mobile payment.
The debate remains on the issue of an easier accounting experience, with travel managers being able to access a more clear method of tracking. If the trend will start to gain significant popularity, the corporate sector will also have an easier, more comfortable way of payment for their flights.
"While the common consensus among both experts and users is that mobile payment technology is here to stay, how soon it will be implemented depends on two competing elements. On the one hand, adoption depends on both the travel manager and traveler’s knowledge and acceptance of mobile payment technology while on the other side there are wholly exogenous factors such as which mobile payment systems will become the most widely used in the business travel market."