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Skytanking Commissions Fully Electric Hydrant Fuel Dispensers at Brussels Airport

Airlines & Airports

Innovative Green Technology Enhances Fuelling Operations

Skytanking has introduced two custom-built electric high-flow hydrant fuel dispensers at Brussels Airport. These electric dispensers, delivered on April 26, are designed to fuel aircraft from the underground hydrant system, significantly improving the local environment by reducing noise and exhaust gases.

Part of the Stargate Project

EU Green Deal Initiative

The deployment of these electric fuel dispensers is part of the Stargate project, an EU Green Deal initiative led by Brussels Airport. The project focuses on implementing innovative solutions to decarbonize the airport industry. In 2022, Skytanking began testing two fully electric hydrant fuel dispensers at Brussels Airport, which provided valuable insights into energy consumption based on aircraft model, average distance per movement at the airport, and weather conditions.

Collaboration and Development

Following successful tests, Skytanking, in collaboration with Atcomex BV and Fuso, developed the 100% electric hydrant fuel dispensers. Built on an original electric chassis, these dispensers are designed for easy reproducibility on an international level while ensuring the highest safety standards.

Key Features and Benefits

State-of-the-Art Design

“These electric hydrant fuel dispensers are state-of-the-art and custom-made, adapted with the insights provided by the tests,” says Skytanking President Amir Ibrahim. The new vehicles consume at least two times less energy than previously tested equipment, actively contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and noise.

Operational Efficiency

The electric hydrant fuel dispensers are capable of handling high flow rates and are built using a standard industrial chassis. They can fuel 15 to 25 aircraft a day on a single charge, enhancing both environmental sustainability and operational efficiency.

Impact on the Aviation Industry

Sustainable Ground Handling

“The goal of the Stargate project is to investigate new technologies and innovations that can make the entire European airport and aviation industry more sustainable,” says Sylvie Van den Eynde, Chief HR & Corporate Affairs Officer at Brussels Airport Company. The success of these innovative vehicles marks a significant step in decarbonizing ground handling operations.

Future Replications

The Stargate project aims to replicate the principles and projects developed at Brussels Airport across other European airports, promoting sustainable practices beyond the initial program's scope.

Support and Funding

Horizon 2020 Program

This project has received subsidies from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union under subsidy agreement GA101037053, highlighting its importance and potential for broader application in the aviation industry.

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