Turtle rescue center welcomed in Maldives

Coco Collection has announced the inauguration of the first Turtle Rescue Centre located at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu.
Affiliated to the Olive Ridley Project, the sanctuary, which plans were firstly introduced two years ago, aims to protect sea turtles and their habitats in Maldive.
The project was initiated by marine biologist Chiara Fumagalli and consists in identifying and removing threatening fishing nets in the Indian Ocean. Moreover, strong education and awareness is another goal of the Coco Collection company and the project initiators, as they have tried to spread attention among guests and associates about the hazardous effects of these nets for three years now.
Martin Stelfox, the founder of Olive Ridley Project, declared with the occasion: “Coco Collection has been on board with us from day one, and we are delighted to open the first Olive Ridley Project Marine Turtle Rescue Centre at Coco Palm. From the beginning, guests and partners of Coco Collection have been supporting the project with generous donations during their stay. This eventually led to the construction of the centre, and our heartfelt gratitude goes out to them for their unwavering generosity. As much as we are involved in the removal of ghost gear from the ocean, turtles and marine life in general are still in danger of being entangled in nets and ingesting marine debris. Thankfully, we now have a dedicated place for them to be treated and recover from their injuries.”
Besides the marine wildlife conservation programs, Coco Collection continuously raises awareness on good environmental practices, teaches school classes on ecology and medicine and explains people how can they improve the related situation in Maldives.
For the future, Coco Bodu Hithi is next on the list of locations where this initiative plans to expand.