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Discover Hunza Valley, the Youth Oasis


The Hunza River Valley River, located on the border between India and Pakistan, is often called the "oasis of youth" because people in this region get sick almost never and always look young and fit, writes the Inhabitant online newspaper

Many residents live more than 100 years and that is considered to be a normal fact. The citizens of Hunza were discovered by Europeans in 1920 by a Scottish doctor named MakKarrison, who lived a long time along them. He has documented their life and discovered that the secret to their longevity is the diet.

The Scotsman revealed that their secret is eating less meat and only twice a day. Moreover, swims in icy water, and walk 15-20 km per day is quite normal. Author R. Bircher details the way the Hunza people live of the book named "Hunza-People who do not know disease".

In 1963, a French medical team went on an expedition in Hunza and have determined that the average life expectancy was of 120 years. Moreover, in 1977, at a congress on cancer matters, according to many scientists, in Hunza was observed the absence of any form of cancer.

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